Monday, October 29, 2012

I am writing a very excited blog post today. VERY EXCITED! Did you catch the emphasis there?

Today, I am EXCITED to announce that I finally have a website! It's been in the works for a while, and it's time for the unveiling. explores my confused, I mean many-faceted, personality as a speaker and a writer of adult nonfiction and YA fiction. We've had fun putting it together. A million thanks to Emily Lorraine Richardson for her patience and talented graphic design and to Tony Tiradani for his hours of work making this functional. Many, multiple hours. Like, I think I should be thanking his wife as well for patience. Especially for dealing with a web-design-tech ignorant person such as, possibly, myself.

Please let me know what you think. Yes, I know there are a few bugs. I already have my list of typos, picture fixes, and mixed up titles. Plus one grammar error--and you know I will not let that stand.

I will be putting my speaking engagements on it just as soon as I figure out how to use Google Calendar. Or how to sync it with iCalendar. Also, when I have time to do anything but direct The Hobbit (opening this weekend).

I am, by the way, Very Excited.

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