Tuesday, May 20, 2014

when life happens, at least get pictures

Hello! We interrupt this regularly scheduled 
blog to bring you this:
Prom 2014

My kind-of-might-as-well-be daughter
We are blessed to have her.
So is he.
and this: 

                and this:

and this, too:

because we have to celebrate those graduating peoples. 
Also, graduating people have to move home
so they can afford to look for a job. And all
their stuff conglomerates in the dining room
because their bedroom may still be in use by our
wonderful exchange student. Such is life.

These things happened as well:
Church with lovely MOPS ladies who (I think)
enjoyed my talk
school with 100 fantastic, smart high school
students I got to talk to for hours!

Discipleship conference where I learned how to do
what I do. Better.

Yes, this has all happened just in May, so no, there is no regular blog post today. And in fact, it was supposed to be yesterday, and it wasn't then either. That's how crazy it's been around these here parts. So--here is the photodocumentary of two weeks in the life of this author. I did not include pics of the wedding anniversary and the birthday because, well, we haven't had time to celebrate those yet. Even though they, too, happened this week.

and this yet to come in a few days
But--life has settled again into semi-normal rhythms. Hey, the laundry and dishes are done, so sanity cannot be far behind. Normal programming will return next week. Thanks for understanding!

And now, it's nap time.

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